Do not be flaky: the good news, after a winter spent stuffing legs in skinny jeans and fleece-lined socks, is that dandruff legs are easily solved.

I spent years talking to other women about the importance of beauty products in our lives . I know women who would run for their touche eclat and other women who have a slick of Vaseline on their lips a more than adequate considering saving beauty regimen . Return to a burning building

It is different for everyone , but research has shown that the anticipation of putting on make - up leads to a release of feel-good endorphins . Women's shelters are always in need of donations of everything from moisturizers to eye shadow , because they arouse feelings of self-worth and self-confidence .
This again , my confidence is strengthened by going to war with the nasty dry , flaky skin from my legs when I remove my opaque tights . I call the phenomenon Rose Legs. Scaly skin on the lower extremities is something that happens to many people after a winter spent stuffing legs in skinny jeans and fleece-lined socks , but the good news is that Rose Legs are easily solved .

A good scrub in the bath to the dead skin exfoliation is your first step : make your own with sugar and olive oil in a true Lenten spirit of " the use of what is in the press" - it works just as good as anything you 'll buy in the pharmacy.

The next step is a beautiful, rich body cream . I love the body butters (try the Body Shop and Soap and Glory) to really eliminate dandruff out. Plaster it on , a few old pajamas and leave the room sink in one night .
Over the years I have heard many people dismiss a love of lipstick or a fetish for foundation as superficial. Yes , dealing with Rose Legs is not rocket science , but it would be a mistake to underestimate because they like to spend a lot of room and practice her smoky eye on a Saturday night a woman. My guru in the smoky eye department is a friend who , when not perfecting her eyeliner catflicks is beavering away on a PhD . What do women want ? As with all people , it's complicated .
For now, however , I 'd settle for smooth , flake -free legs .
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